Caroline Hoyte was back to her best at the Sussex Road Relay Championships at Christ's Hospital.

The talented Arena 80 runner, who won an an international vest five years ago, has been plagued by colds and viruses over the winter Hoyte was given a useful lead for the final leg by Vicki Boyle, who went from third to first after Liz Lumber's opening leg.

Hoyte wanted to give her fitness a test and stretched the lead to more than two minutes as she stormed round the 3.6km circuit in 12min.37sec, just a few seconds outside her own lap record.

Hoyte said: "I've really suffered with illnesses since just before Christmas and am just pleased to be back racing again. I am more than pleased with my time and am hoping that I can avoid any more germs during the summer and build myself up for next winter.

Brighton and Hove retained the men's title, run over 3.5km laps, through Tracy Harris, Jack Vail, Nick Hyett, Paul Stacey, Paul Holdham and Mike Buss.

Daniel Wicks produced a sparkling final lap to ensure Hastings took the silver medal.

Crawley had to call on Vince Golding, much better known as a 400m hurdler, to complete their team of six and won the bronze.

Crawley's Joel Kidger lap time of 9min.47sec was the fastest of the day.

Brighton and Hove also retained their over-40 title, with Nigel Gates setting a course record of 10min. 06sec.

That time was only bettered by five runners in the senior race. Brighton and Hove completed a hat-trick of victories when they retained the over-50 title as Peter Witcomb ran the fastest lap in 10min.50sec when giving his team an unassailable lead on the opening leg.