Is their no limit to the interference from those such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who advocate that a non-Englishman should take over as Archbishop of Canterbury?

They will stop at nothing to push even further the inclusion of ethnic minorities into positions of power.

With the atmosphere as it is in this country, it will be like starting the clock on a social timebomb.

It's also interesting to note the different views on the percentage of those from ethnic minorities in the UK.

A recent Press article stated that, by the middle of this century, the make-up will be in the region of 7-8 per cent.

Yet John Parry wrote that the percentage is already 7 per cent.

In reality, no one really knows the exact make-up in this country but it is probably a lot more than politicians will admit to.

Mr Parry's article also sat interestingly alongside that of the doyen of politically correct left-wing claptrap, Billy Bragg.

His vision of an English inclusiveness is both naive and unobtainable.

If what we have been experiencing in the past three to four decades is anything to go by, God help us all, because no one else will.

-D A Coles, South Coast Road, Peacehaven