In order to maximise his criticisms of me, J E Bartlett (Letters, February 22) stated only half the story.

Contrary to my "complaining about Adur District Council", I have been representing the Southwick Square members of this chamber in their negotiations regarding the imposition of a 60 per cent rent increase back-dated two years, as has been so clearly reported by The Argus.

As to Mr Bartlett's other comments, I have been assisting these traders in their efforts to retain the retailing units in the square, which is no sin in my book.

This shopping facility is greatly needed by the more vulnerable residents of Southwick who have no transport to the superstores.

It is an established planning fact that once a small shopping area allows in food takeaway units and charity stores, their numbers increase and the smaller shops, so vital to the community, slowly disappear.

According to a recent petition submitted to the council, more than 500 residents agreed with me.

It is a pity Mr Bartlett feels unable to direct all his energies into working for the community instead of constantly sniping at those who do.

-Beryl Ferrers-Guy, Secretary, Adur and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce