Plans to open a fish and chip shop in Southwick Square have prompted fury from some of its neighbours-to-be.

The takeaway and restaurant will replace the Bryter Colours paint shop.

People living near the shop, whose present owners are retiring, fear the new business will bring fishy fumes, noise, and gangs of youths.

They are dismayed that Adur District Council approved plans for the chippy after throwing out an application a year ago.

Averil Rosser, 63, who lives opposite, said: "We've got three fish and chip shops within three quarters of a mile and they're all struggling to make a living.

"Residents most affected by it are all elderly, people who will suffer unnecessarily.

"There will be noise and nuisance from customers as these are most likely to be local youths who cause enough trouble already."

Mary Oliver, 72, said: "The fish and chip shop will produce smells and they are going to vent those into the atmosphere.

"This square used to be the pride of Southwick but it's going downhill all the time."

The planning application for the chip shop included details of a sophisticated extractor fan, closed-circuit TV and a closing time of 9pm.

Southwick Chamber of Trade and Commerce Secretary Beryl Ferrers-Guy said: "To have the shop open until 9pm, offering light and warmth, will focus the attraction of the younger element.

"I'm surprised the police didn't take this up. We've had gangs of youths roaming the square and causing problems anyway."

A council spokesman said: "The owners came forward with a much better extractor system and CCTV outside so the police withdrew their previous objection.

"Our grounds for refusing don't exist. Our local plan says food takeaways are acceptable in principle in shopping areas in the district."

The application to open the fish and chip shop was made in the name of Mr L. Argyrou. He was unavailable for comment.