Agency workers could be awarded new equal pay and employment rights under draft European Union reforms, it was reported today.

A draft EU directive, leaked to the Financial Times, would give "temps" rights to the same pay, holidays, health insurance, share schemes and pensions as long-term workers doing similar jobs, the newspaper said.

The proposals would affect millions, including secretaries, teachers, nurses, engineers and catering staff.

Business leaders warned that the proposals could cost British businesses billions of pounds.

Digby Jones, director-general of bosses' "union" the Confederation of British Industry, is said to have written to European Commission president Romano Prodi urging a rethink.

Mr Jones said the proposals would be "very damaging to the UK labour market".

The directive covers workers employed by agencies, who are not covered by earlier legislation on fixed-term employees.

The draft directive is to be published next month before going to the EU Council of Ministers for discussion and then to government officials for examination.