I was one of the girls to whom Bonar Colleano gave his goodnight kiss way back in the Fifties.

My girlfriend and I went to London to seek our fortunes.

We secured digs and both landed good jobs, myself as a model and Peggy my friend with Val Parnell, the famous theatrical impresario.

Peggy went on to meet many celebrities, one of whom was Paul Carpenter.

He offered us tickets for his show as a singer with the Ted Heath Band one evening.

We were, of course, both thrilled and delighted to find ourselves in front-row seats. When the band struck up, Paul rose from his seat and sang Dance Ballerina, Dance and with his eyes invited us backstage.

We rushed around after the show and there, in his dressing room, was his friend Bonar Colleano.

We all went out on the town that night and had a wonderful time, not returning to our digs until after 3am.

We were making a lot of noise larking around in Bonar's open-top motor car and, consequently, the disapproving landlady required we leave the following morning.

-Margery Delavine, Grand Avenue, Hove