A former serviceman who wants compensation for non-payment of pensions has been joined by almost 100 fellow claimants.

Steve Reed joined the Royal Navy at 15 and served for 12 years but, due to a Government loophole, did not receive a pension.

His plight was highlighted on this site and in The Argus, and generated responses from dozens of ex-servicemen from as far afield as Australia.

Mr Reed, 61, of Leechpool Lane, Horsham, is one of thousands of ex-members of the Navy, Marines, RAF and Army to serve between 1949 and 1975 but who were not eligible for a pension unless they had completed 22 years' service.

Those affected joined up after the National Service Act was introduced in 1949 and before the government changed the law in 1975.

He belongs to a group which is taking the Ministry of Defence to the High Court to attempt to recover compensation.

After our article appeared, Mr Reed had about 100 calls from people who wanted to know more about The Armed Forces Pension Action Group.

Mr Reed said: "I took a phone call from two blokes from Western Australia who wanted to join.

"I had dozens of calls from people on the South Coast, from Eastbourne and Brighton. One caller from Brighton used to inhabit the bunk opposite me during an 18-month commission in the Far East on HMS Bulwark.

"The last time I saw him was in 1960 but after hearing from him I went and met him in Brighton, had a cup of tea and caught up.

"I even received two calls from people who were released from service after April 1 1975 but didn't know they were entitled to a preserved pension at the age of 60.

"Since the article appeared in July, there has been a steady increase in membership and now we have almost 2,000 people."

Mr Reed estimates he should have received a lump sum of about £16,000 at the age of 60, plus about £160 a month as a pension.

He said: "The case is now with our QCs and they anticipate issuing in the High Court some time after Easter.

"The group will close to new members shortly after that. There may not be much time left for people to join."

If you want more information on the Armed Forces Pension Action Group, call Mr Reed on 01403 255833.