Katie Neiman might not have won Pop Idol but the competition has opened other doors for her.

The 17-year-old schoolgirl from Hove has already been approached by a music management agency and been asked to audition again for the next series of the hit television show.

On Saturday, Katie was invited back to the final of this series with other contestants to accompany winner Will Young performing his new single Evergreen.

She and about 20 other former Pop Idol hopefuls were waiting backstage while hosts Ant and Dec announced whether Will or rival Gareth Gates had won.

Katie said: "It was brilliant. We were all in the wings waiting to go on, knowing we would be singing with whoever won.

"The majority thought it would be Gareth and when it was Will everyone was jumping, screaming and crying.

"Unfortunately, we didn't get to see their facial reactions but we could certainly hear the audience reaction."

She and the other contestants spent the day learning the song and dance routine before performing in front of millions.

Katie said the experience would stand her in good stead for the next series, if she decides to enter.

She said: "I was asked to audition once more but I am not sure I can go through it all again.

"Although I won't be at school next year so I'll have a bit more time."