I find it difficult to understand the panic about a possible measles epidemic. When I was a child, we all had the normal childhood illnesses - measles, mumps, chicken pox and so on.

No one I knew died of them or needed hospital treatment. Later, when immunisation became widespread, it was noticeable that more serious illnesses, such as polio and, later still, HIV, became a worrying problem.

I have always believed the childhood illnesses are nature's way of kick-starting the body's immune system, enabling it to become strong and healthy enough to protect throughout adulthood.

Immunisation, on the other hand, is the pumping of alien chemical substances into young, developing bodies without knowing exactly what reaction will be triggered. Each individual is different and will react differently. This was proved by the earlier indiscriminate use of penicillin until it was realised not everyone could tolerate the 'wonder drug'. Now doctors ask before prescribing.

I chose not to have either of my daughters injected against anything. One did develop hearing problems as a result of measles. She is, however, a strong, healthy young woman, living life to the full. Both she and I can live with a minor disability. Both of our lives would have been wrecked by a major affliction such as autism.

We should rethink the current doctrine of medical interference and allow our children to develop naturally.

-Mrs A M Baldwin, Shelldale Road, Portslade