West Sussex Badger Protection Group has already started picking up dead and injured badgers that have been hit by cars.

These next two months are our busiest time because badgers have their cubs and a lot of activity is happening in and around the setts where they live. Sometimes older badgers may wander into unknown territory.

Please help us to keep these deaths down by driving slowly in areas where badgers cross the road.

We have erected warning signs at Duncton and installed reflector posts in five different areas of Petworth and Upwaltham. A work party will instal reflectors in other areas soon. You can help us by letting us know of any dead or injured badgers for our survey work. It is important to know if a knocked-down badger is lactating since that means there are young cubs waiting for mum to return.

Please keep our number handy - 01243 825804. We are on call 24 hours a day and have ten officers fully equipped and fully trained to help.

-Jaine Wild, Press Officer, West Sussex Badger Protection Group