The bus-driving correspondent (Letters, January 29) will be happy to learn he is indeed entitled to holiday pay. As a part-time employee, he is entitled to annual leave at the appropriate pro rata rate to full-timers.

He has the trade union movement to thank for this. It was unions, including Unison, the largest public-sector union in Europe, who got the Working Time Directive and the Directive for part-timers passed in the European Union.

It was a union who then successfully challenged the UK Government's over-restrictive interpretation of the directive, which now entitles all workers to leave from day one of their job.

On his own, the correspondent got no reply. He needs to join his union, not only for a voice in Europe and elsewhere on a whole range of issues but also simply to provide someone to turn to at work to get basic rights enforced and to organise to get them improved.

-Steve Foster, Brighton and Hove Unison