C Wadey displays a sad lack of love towards believing neighbours, in his/her ridiculous attempts to undermine belief in God (letters, December 26).

The remarks seem calculated to give maximum offence, just as Christians are celebrating the Messiah's entry in to this world with his offer of salvation to all mankind.

The problem is not with God but with sinful man who is always wanting to put something else in God's place, usually himself. Because of our disobedience, we have become blinded to the truth, the creator can be clearly seen in his creation and in his word revealed in the Bible.

Christian leaders have, for the most part, faithfully preached his truth down the years even if Mr/Mrs Wadey has not been listening.

You have only to look carefully at the person of Jesus Christ who came into this world to save us from our sin and demonstrated his love for us by being prepared to die on a cross to give us the chance of eternal life. Work out why it was, that the thief, crucified with Jesus, was the first to enter paradise?

C Wadey will be interested to know that many churches had their biggest congregations for many years this Christmas and a recent reputable opinion poll, showed there had been a marked increase in the number of people calling themselves Christian.

-Alan Nunn, Pipers Close, Hove