Oh well, it's that time of year again when we all resolve to be perfect people for the next 12 months and usually our perfectness lasts for about two days.

Still, I did manage to finally stop smoking in 2001. My resolutions this year will be as follows:

1. Lose all the extra weight I have put on since stopping smoking and regain my girlish figure of old.

2. Never to drink five margaritas in one evening again.

3. Similarly, just because there is wine in the wine rack, it doesn't have to be opened. Wine can stay in the rack, particularly if it is a work day tomorrow.

4. Not to stay up until after midnight watching the sort of rubbish film that you sit up late through and then go, 'Well, that wasn't worth staying up for, was it?'.

5. Not to fall asleep on sofa while watching films such as above, particularly if have disobeyed rules 2 or 3.

Daughter, although she doesn't know it yet, has also made some resolutions. These are as follows, although I have helped a bit:

1. Not to use any of the verbal expressions 'Fine' 'Whatever' or 'OK' while conversing with lovely mum ever again.

2. Not to raise eyebrows or smirk tolerantly in a manner that suggests 'Fine', 'Whatever' or 'OK' or even 'you are a mad old bag' while conversing with lovely mum ever again.

3. To have a bedroom where the floor is visible.

4. To have a bed where the bed is visible.

5. To stop growing as it is too expensive.

In reality, what we will probably do is continue to muddle through life as we have done for the last year.

A Happy New Year to you all.