I was intrigued to read in the letter from the Rev John Webster (Letters, December 24) that Jesus had a brother.

This leads me to ask whether he was older or younger than Jesus?

If he was older, why was he not the son of God? Also, his mother could not technically have been a virgin when she had Jesus.

If the brother was younger, why was he not also the son of God or, at the very least, one of his brother's disciples?

Other questions spring to mind. Jesus was a Jew. Why, therefore, are the Jews the most persecuted race on Earth?

I understand God sacrificed his only son to save mankind, so why did the sacrifice fail?

Another little riddle for all believers: Why does the head of state whose motto is "in God we trust" travel everywhere with armed guards and in an armoured car?

There is, of course, only one answer to the above questions but it will be interesting to see what explanations will be put forward.

-Name and address supplied