Adolescent Jason Feldman claims to be an expert on sexual liberation, then makes the naively sexist assertion that single mothers are better parents than men (Letters, December 12).

When Master Feldman grows up, he will discover life is seldom as black and white as "ivory tower" sociologists would have him believe.

In reality, a sizeable proportion of single mothers are in their position because, after the break-up of the relationship or marriage with the children's father, they have deliberately excluded him from his parenting role.

Obviously, where abuse has occurred this would be justified but this is not usually the case and, for this reason, the organisation Families Need Fathers (FNF) exists.

FNF's principal objective is to change the relevant laws that have been heavily biased against fathers being granted reasonable access and to offer support and legal advice to heartbroken men in the process.

Most importantly, a child's anguish at separation from such a vital figure in his or her life is sought to be ended.

I have a beautiful blue-eyed boy from a post-marriage relationship but had a long, fraught court ordeal to achieve my present, meagre fortnightly contact.

The fact remains that my son's mother finally chose to act fairly.

If she had chosen to exclude me, it is highly improbable the court could have effectively enforced a Parental Responsibility Order in my favour.

So many men care passionately enough about their children to undergo similar, and far worse, legal battles but to no avail.

And it is at Christmas the pain of father and child is most acutely felt.

-Name and address supplied