While I feel extremely sorry for all the Consignia postal workers who are going to lose their jobs in the New Year, I phoned its customer service centre with a query and some of these employees put up a brick wall against improving services.

At the corner of Edward Street and St James's Avenue, Brighton, a post box has been closed because of roadworks nearby. This work has been finished for about two weeks. Buses are running, traffic is moving down the road quite easily and parking is back to normal. The post box is still closed, even though it is Christmas and postal services are needed more than usual.

On informing the Post Office that all the roadworks were finished, I was told there was nowhere for the collection vans to park and diversions would have to be worked out. I again said the road was totally back to normal but was met with blank disinterest and told nothing was going to be done about it. We will have to wait until January or later for the box to be in use again.

What a shame no one at Consignia was interested enough to look into this further.

-Mrs Margot Sharpe, St James's Avenue, Brighton