Being 17, I cannot comment directly on Mary Whitehouse but, judging from what Alan Nunn wrote (Letters, December 6), she did no good.

Sexual liberation is important. It is naive and dangerous to keep young people in the dark about sex.

Most children don't get sex education until they are 15 or 16, which is often too late.

They should be warned about sexually transmitted infections and taught how to use contraceptives from when they begin high school.

When Mr Nunn says lust has taken the place of love, he is very much mistaken.

Sex is natural and sexual feelings should not be repressed in the name of religion. If there is a God, I'm sure he would agree.

It is not wrong to put yourself before others. Happiness is the most important thing in life.

No one should feel obliged to stay in an unhappy or abusive marriage just because the old-fashioned, conservative moral minority think it is right.

Single mothers bringing up children is not the cause of ill-disciplined or under-achieving youngsters.

Single mothers should be applauded for their courage and determination. I doubt men would be such good parents.

Single parents, however, often have to take part-time work or become unemployed to take care of their children because daycare is too expensive.

This leaves them and their children in poverty and it is this that is at the heart of under-achievement and ill-discipline.

Mr Nunn should look at some facts before judging others and get down off his high horse to help some of the less fortunate rather than blaming them for all social ills.

-Jason Feldman, Northfield Road, Worthing