Gangs of youngsters have been causing trouble for much of the year at Laurels First School in West Durrington, Worthing.

But they surpassed themselves when they accosted 74-year-old Sydney Austin as he was leaving the Christmas fair.

Mr Austin, who regularly dresses up as Father Christmas for the fair, had his special hat stolen and eventually dropped in the gutter.

The youngsters didn't actually harm Mr Austin physically or steal anything but the incident was mean and dispiriting.

Here is a man who had been entertaining hundreds of children at a special time of year.

His reward for spending hours at the school was to be abused and accosted by a gang of yobs.

The youngsters are far too old to attend Laurels. But they are a real nuisance and the sooner they get caught the better.

Then if their parents have any sense they will ensure none of them gets any presents from Father Christmas and his helpers in a fortnight.