Striker Gavin Jones has been told to rest for a week after giving his Worthing teammates a fright.

Jones complained of chest pains ahead of last week's defeat at Bedford and was taken to hospital.

He had another check-up this week and was given the bad news: You're fit to work but not to play football.

The problems was diagnosed as swollen arteries and dates back to a collision with the Oxford City goalkeeper in a recent match.

Jones said: "His knee hit me in the heart and apparently put things out of sync.

"The arteries and the muscles around the heart were still trying to recover.

"I was in pain when I woke up on Saturday morning but I thought it was indigestion or heartburn and it would clear up. Then before the game I was in absolute agony. I felt really weak and Sammy Donnelly looked concerned."

Rebels boss Donnelly was keen for him to get attention. He said: "I could have just given him an indigestion tablet but I thought it was something more serious."

Jones added: "Sammy looked concerned. Bedford called an ambulance, which I thought was a bit too much fuss, but I'm glad they did now.

"I came back that night on the coach. I delayed the lads on their night out so I wasn't flavour of the month but I think they were quite concerned."

Jones has been told he will make a swift and complete recovery but will have another check-up before returning.