Albion chairman Dick Knight has warned players they will not be paid if they go out on strike.

A PFA ballot of its members in the row over their share of TV money revealed 99 per cent are in favour of strike action.

All but 22 of the 2,312 footballers voting over the last two weeks supported the refusal to play in televised matches after November 23.

Knight said: "I think the PFA have to think very seriously before taking this final step.

"If the players go on strike they will be in breach of contract and are not going to be paid.

"That will be a serious test of their resolve. They say this is about the concern felt for less fortunate colleagues, but that costs a player even on £25,000 a week only £75 a year in subs.

"Their claim would be more valid if the top earners paid more in subscriptions."

Albion manager Peter Taylor said: "It would be very disappointing if it went to strike action.

"The majority of supporters would not see that as the right action."

Albion's visit to Brentford on January 24 is due to be televised live on ITV digital.

Knight said: "I cannot envisage the dispute would be running to the end of January. I expect it to be resolved before strike action is called."

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