On the way home from Dorset with my two grandchildren - Lauren, six, and Greg, two - my wife and I decided to stop at the Mill House pub in Arundel, next to Arundel Cricket Club, where they have a children's room.

Little Greg started to act funny. My wife picked him up and he started convulsing, shaking violently and rolling his eyes. He had a very high temperature.

The ladies working in the Mill House were absolutely marvellous.

They took his clothes off and placed cold towels all over his body to try to bring down his temperature, then phoned for an ambulance.

Seven minutes later, it arrived. The team worked quickly and very professionally. They made tests on the spot and more tests in the ambulance.

They said they must get Greg to hospital in Worthing and that we were not to try to keep up with the ambulance because we would be breaking the speed limit.

On arrival at Worthing Hospital, the doctor had already started his examination of Greg, who had been very sick in the ambulance.

The doctor could find nothing physically wrong with him but kept him in hospital overnight for observation.

By Monday morning, his parents had arrived from Dorset and his mother stayed the night in the hospital with him.

On Monday morning, she phoned to say we could collect them.

My sincere thanks to the ladies working at the Mill House pub in Arundel and to Jamie Webb and Jon Griffiths of the Sussex Ambulance Service - you lads were magnificent.

To the doctor and staff at Worthing Hospital for so quickly dealing with this very sick little boy, my heartfelt thanks to you all.

-Coun Peter Willows, Hangleton Valley Drive, Hove