Chichester admit things can only get better as they make a swift return to Heathfield tomorrow.

The Sussex One sides meet in the third round of the National Intermediate Cup, just a fortnight after their league clash, which Heathfield won 28-0.

Both sides make changes this time but Chi skipper Ben Polhill admitted: "We just hope it is a lot closer.

"At least we now know where their strengths lie and how to play on their pitch."

Heathfield coach Herb Merritt left skipper James Dimmack to do most of the talking at midweek training and said: "A lot of what happens depends on what's in your mind."

Hooker Tom Gribble returns for Heath after five weeks out with a shoulder injury.

Five Sussex sides are in Intermediate Cup action, with kick-offs at 2.30pm other than for East Grinstead.

All clubs admit league points are the priority but the cup offers the chance for handy prize money and some interesting match-ups with teams from other divisions.

It could be just like old times at Horsham, where Park House visit.

These sides used to meet in London Two South before falling on hard times but Horsham are showing signs of a recovery after going top of Sussex One.

Skipper Guy Hannell admitted: "A lot of guys have seen the dark and depressing days and it has been down to hard graft, commitment and loyalty that we have bounced back."

Horsham have yet to finalise their back line after key midfield playmaker Paul Thurston dropped out with a hamstring problem.

East Grinstead have five key men out for the trip to London Two South strugglers Sevenoaks (2.15pm). The absentees include outside half and goal kicker Steve O'Reilly, so Ray Hennessy wears ten.

Eastbourne should be too strong for Kent One visiitors Lordswood. They fielded six players aged 20 or less at Askeans last week and four keep their places.

Al Andrews and Jamie Baldwin are back in the front row and Andy Moore returns at centre.

Newick go to Bexley in the Junior Cup.

Tomorrow's Squads
Heathfield: Jones, Hole, Lawrence, Waters, Hoskins, Woods, Drinkwater; Dimmack, Gribble, Cooley, Streeter, Evans, Wilson, Jenkins, Tonkin.

Chichester: M. Johnson, Rogers, T. Polhill, Bradford, Cleghorn, Stanton, R. Johnson; Corby, O'Hagan, Chandler, Butt, Adfield, Hutchings, Turner, T. Polhill.

Horsham: (possible) Tussler, Bartle, Billings, Wright, Frater, P. Mason, R. Mason; Wells, Senneck, Clay, Bond, C. Harman, Clegg, Dowling, Hannell.

East Grinstead: Turner, Goodwin, Ingham, Marcus Ayres, Lester, Hennessy, Moore; Power, Clare, Smith, Cooke, Templeman, Lucas, Trentham, Blake.

Eastbourne: McKay, Newell, Moore, J. Bremer, M. Bremer, D. Craven, Pysden; Lovell, Baldwin, Andrews, Norwood, D. Groenen, Yapp, Bedford-Turner, Pullinger.