What price democracy? At a time when McDonald's is sponsoring the Labour Party Conference, is it not time to ask who really is in charge?

Arguing that a mayor would simplify decision making and reduce costs sounds like big-business jargon. Laying off councillors and cutting bureaucracy sounds like a corporate take-over. But we all know what can happen when you buy on the cheap, living for today without any regard for the future.

Committees may not be the sexiest things around but they do provide a forum for debate of a wide variety of views. With the best will in the world, one person cannot hope to get a grip on all the issues they will have to decide on. They will become more and more dependant on unelected officers to provide them with advice.

Yes campaigners conveniently ignore the costly cock-ups we've seen under the new cabinet system.

A mayoral system sounds radical but it would only change our political masters, centralise power and play into the hands of big business. Until officers and councillors start taking these issues and public opinion more seriously, people are not going to become interested in local politics, mayor or not.

-Chris Todd, Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton