Universal disco syndrome has hit my local Safeway. Inescapable pop pap now blares from ceiling speakers. There seems hardly a shop, cafe, restaurant or public place nowadays that remains free from this syndrome. Apparently intended to persuade us to shop more, it makes me shop less. I go to Safeway less often than before and spend less time there when I do.

There are other ways in which, since its refit, Safeway has become less attractive, especially for disabled people. They pile the baskets up to the ceiling. How are disabled people supposed to reach them down?

The displays of goods are higher than before. A lot of people, like me, now have problems reaching top shelves. At the checkouts, we have to hoist the basket much higher before unloading. There used to be a disabled checkout. That has gone. What's more, they no longer stock many of the items I used to buy at Safeway.

-Charles Newman, Manchester Street, Brighton