How refreshing to read the intelligent and well-balanced letter (Opinion, May 24) from Ms B W of Portsmouth, herself a lesbian, voicing her distaste at the depraved TV show Brighton: Out The Closet, which did nothing to encourage sympathy for or understanding of the gay scene.

I know many gay men (including my brother, whom I adore) who found it disgusting and offensive. This vile profile of such degraded life encourages homophobia.

The outrageous Gay Pride parade was best years ago - quite amusing in a pantomime way - but has become far too political, dragging children into its dreary agenda. I'm sure most of the pathetic creatures on the floats don't realise most onlookers are just laughing at them and feel, if anything, pity.

After demonstrating its self-indulgent promiscuity at Dukes Mound and Brighton seafront, the gay scene then bleated not enough was being done about Aids and demanded more cash. Then it announced most gay men prefer sex with straight men. Why, to spread the word as well as Aids? The mind boggles. If you must indulge, stick to your own kind.

-Mary Hunter, Norfolk Terrace, Hove