I must take issue with Ms B W. We should bear in mind a series such as Brighton: Out The Closet was partly entertainment, partly information.

As entertainment, it predictably focused on some of the more outrageous aspects of gay life but this was balanced by the more conservative elements (which, of course, dominate in real life).

Overall, I think it achieved a satisfactory balance and we should be pleased the Beeb chose to broadcast not just one programme but a mini-series about gay Brighton.

If one person in six is gay in Brighton, this kind of exposure is good. It highlighted one of the things that makes Brighton so special as a place to live and work. Perhaps Ms B W is ashamed of being lesbian. She seemed to find most aspects of gay life in Brighton objectionable.

The series portrayed the gay scene I know and, while I am not necessarily proud of all of it, I am proud to be gay, love living in Brighton and cannot understand gay or lesbian people who seem unable to accept any of it. This is a kind of inverse homophobia.

-Roger Hardy, West Street, Rottingdean