Having read all the letters calling Alan Nunn homophobic, rabid, a bigot and so on (Opinion, May 28), I checked his original letter. It doesn't specify what he found disgraceful about Brighton: Out The Closet. I can see no evidence in it of what they claim.

I caught some of the programmes and I, too, felt they portrayed the city in a tacky light. This is nothing to do with homophobia or bigotry on my part. I felt most of the people portrayed were unappealing human individuals, shallow, attention-seeking, sex-obsessed and often foul-mouthed.

I would probably have felt the same if the series had

featured heterosexual dirty weekenders. It is because one knows there are so many other aspects to Brighton and Hove that one is entitled to feel disappointed.

However, in the society we now live in, if one dares to criticise anything which happens to involve gay people, one is automatically labelled homophobic, just as, if one dares criticise someone from a different ethnic background, one is labelled racist. Which is why the gay, politically-correct lobby has been so vociferous on this occasion.

-Caspar Goodman, George Street, Brighton