I am totally fed up with people carping at JoAnne Goode who, to my mind, is the best of an excellent bunch of Southern Counties Radio presenters.

I have listened to local radio since the days of Radio Brighton.

In those days, the key attraction was local news, events, weather and, in particular, travel. When the whole service was shifted to Guildford, I found it less useful and started to watch TV in the mornings.

But when I discovered the JoAnne Goode Breakfast In Brighton Show, I went back to radio and have hardly watched a morning TV show since.

JoAnne's enthusiasm is the single best thing about the show. I don't agree with everything she and her guests say and often ring in to say so. Further, she seems to have fans from all walks of life.

I also like what I hear of the other morning presenters, including John Radford, Ed Douglas, Neil Pringle and Pippa Gordon.

During the day, I don't get to listen often, but the shows seem adequate. The Drive Time (evening rush-hour) show still comes from Guildford and the travel information isn't right for me. In the evening, the shows are dull, apart from David Miller.

-Peter T Garratt, London Road, Brighton