The Music Room of the Royal Pavilion is a spectacular venue for watching a string quartet.

The setting guarantees the whole experience will be special and almost magical. Even walking through the saloon room and into the banqueting hall for an interval drink made me feel like a princess.

This series of Pavilion concerts must be worth coming to for the venue alone but the Goldner Quartet made sure the evening was especially memorable.

The players' polished and passionate rendition of works by Benjamin Britten and Australian composer Carl Vine were thrillingly and beautifully played.

Franz Schubert's Death And The Maiden quartet was even more well received, with its dramatic strains ringing wonderfully off the opulent chandeliers.

Watching the four Australian players was endlessly fascinating as they darted glances at each other and each played with an individual style. But the best moment came at the finale, when the thunderous final crescendo was greeted by an answering thunderstorm outside.

The Music Room, Royal Pavilion, Brighton, Wednesday.

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