As one of the first of the campaigners against the Portobello sewage plant extension (on behalf of Brighton Surfers Against Sewage), I must congratulate the Campaign for Residents Against Portobello (CRAP) on fighting Southern Water's proposals to obtain a deserved victory.

Not only was Telscombe the wrong site because of its impact on the landscape, it also meant Southern Water was unlikely to install the state-of-the-art sewage treatment other resorts are now getting.

Even here, in the "developing world", water companies are proposing ultraviolet treatment instead of the "pump and dump" outfalls favoured by Southern Water.

The people of Newhaven should be rejoicing rather than whingeing at the decision because Southern Water will be forced to use technology that will guarantee clean beaches and the sewage plant will be able to provide industries with cheap "grey" water and even become a tourist attraction, as has the plant at Eastbourne.

Although I won't be able to celebrate with a few pints of Harveys, I'll be raising a few bottles of Carib to all the plucky CRAP campaigners

-Andrew Coleman, Port of Spain, Trinidad