Young people think closed circuit TV cameras are a waste of money and an intrusion into privacy.

A survey was conducted for Brighton and Hove City Council by the detached youth work project following concern expressed by youngsters.

Just one third of youngsters felt people in charge of CCTV could be completely trusted to use cameras only for the public good.

The same proportion felt that in future, cameras would be used to control people.

The report says: "Young people feel safer and have altered their behaviour for the perceived better.

"But for almost half of the young people consulted, they have not made any difference to their lives."

Less than a third of youngsters felt there should be more cameras and almost all wanted to be consulted about where any more were placed.

The report suggests cameras have resulted in fewer officers on the streets and while people might feel safer, in practice they might not be.

It also says mobile cameras are effective at dispersing groups and overcoming the many limitations of fixed cameras.

The report concludes the authorities and people on estates with high crime levels want cameras.