I fully support Ronald Childs (Opinion, March 13) on immigration - I assume he refers only to illegal immigrants - and asylum seekers passing through Europe.

William Hague's recent speech in which he referred to Britain becoming a "foreign land" did not mean a country overrun by people from foreign countries but one in which the Government had carried out so many changes, or had allowed them to occur, that it was no longer recognisable.

The continued integration into Europe and the adoption of alien political policies here, at both national and local government level, are rapidly making this a place I only dimly recognise.

Many of the changes seem grossly unnecessary and do nothing to enhance the well-being of our own people or our status in the world community.

They seem to have more to do with currying favour for particular politicians or toadying to outside interests, either commercial or political.

-P R Mockridge, The Green, Southwick