Was it really necessary to introduce political correctness into the otherwise excellent report on the tragic loss of the SS Mendi (Argus, March 9) by implying the master of the SS Darro was a racist for not stopping to pick up survivors?

Troopships were a prime target for U-boats and Captain Stamp was quite probably under strict Admiralty instructions not to stop.

In darkness and thick fog, with his vessel travelling at speed, and presumably damaged also, one wonders what he really could have done without putting his own ship at serious risk.

Did he even know the nationality of the men involved?

The loss of the Mendi would have been a propaganda coup for the Germans so information about the sinking would have been kept to the minimum and truth is the first victim.

To this day, it is hard to find the facts behind the disastrous exercise off the Dorset coast that cost so many American lives in the run-up to D-Day.

If we are to point the finger of blame, should we not be looking at those who sent troopships like these out without adequate escort in the first place?

-Stephen J Hill, Willingdon Road, Eastbourne