To the big, brave thieves who stole my beloved K-reg Escort from outside my home in Craven Road, Brighton, in the early hours of Saturday, March 3, and then put it into a brick wall in Hollingdean Lane: How dare you invade my property?

What gives you the right to come along and take whatever you want without a thought for the people you steal from?

That car was a gift to me from my mother. Now, thanks to you, it has been written off.

I want whoever is responsible to know I'm refusing to be your victim. I'm lucky, I have some fantastic friends who have helped me with the school run and shopping, and I've had brilliant support from my family.

I'd be very interested to know how you'd feel if it happened to your family. It's your parents I feel sorry for. Maybe they're unaware of what mindless morons they have for family. Maybe not.

Just remember, what goes around comes around. You probably did this "just for fun". Well, I'd love five minutes in a room with you - just for fun.

I know the majority of people in this city are decent, honest and kind, so if anyone knows anything or anyone connected with this theft, please let the local police know on 0845 6070999.

My car was locked, alarmed and immobilised. I did all I could to protect it and I don't want any Argus readers to be the next target.

-Name and address supplied