I was very disappointed to read Attila the Stockbroker's poem regarding environmentalists and their campaign against the building of Falmer stadium.

Brighton and Hove and Mid-Sussex Friends of the Earth opposes the stadium for two very simple reasons: Any new stadium must be built on a brownfield site, not on downland, which Falmer undoubtly is; we cannot in a democratic society have the electoral process overridden by referrendums where one side has vast budgets and 90 per cent of the media and the other does not (presumably Attila is all for a referendum on the siting of a waste incinerator?).

I would just like to ask whether this is this the same Attila who supported the anti-live freight actions of five years ago? I hate to remind him, but not all the people involved in those protests shared his ideoligical purity, yet we heard little from him condemning those alliances.

The people's poet, it seems, can easily be bought when it comes to developers' profits and council elites.

-Nigel Baker, Vale Road, Portslade