While I applaud the sentiment behind investing a further £2 million on the regeneration of Newhaven by building starter units for hi-tech companies, a conference centre and a cafe complete with public terraced areas on Denton Island, it does seem at odds with East Sussex County Council's plans for the town.

Together with Brighton & Hove Council it wants to build an incineration plant with a 200 feet chimney opposite Denton Island.

Several businesses in Newhaven have already spoken out against the proposed incinerator and several have indicated that they may leave the town.

I am sure the members of the Newhaven Economic Partnership find it very disheartening to see all their dreams and hard work for the town of Newhaven destroyed by this short-sighted and potentially dangerous solution to the county's waste disposal problem.

-Mr.R.Lambert, Avis Road, Newhaven