Daughter has given me my column back this week after I promised not to send it to The Argus without showing her first again.

It's been a dreadful week weather wise, hasn't it? Him indoors has been unable to go out fishing and so took on the role of chief dog walker. This meant Sam got what I was told were proper walks which involved him walking miles and then returning covered in mud and gunge and smelling like a very smelly dog.

Daughter, who comes from the poodle parlour school of dog grooming, decided to bath him. After daughter and her friend had finished, our bathroom looked like the local tip had flooded.

We have varying bathroom needs in our house. My partner is in and out leaving minimal mess, unless he has shaved. I like to arrange candles, my favourite book, a cup of coffee and my best bubble bath before I even put toe to water. Daughter likes to fill the bath to the rim and then lie in it, swooshing up and down in order to ensure the maximum amount of water covers the floor. When I win the lottery, my bathroom will be just for me, not shared with husband, daughter and dog.