While the government is to fund a £1 million police hit squad to tackle homophobic, racist and domestic violence in Brighton and Hove, the Argus' own figures identify the problem as overwhelmingly one of violence against women.

Can we not, therefore, stop using the euphemism 'domestic'? I do not wish to deny the extent of violence against gay people and ethnic minorities for one moment, but at least they are not locked into the abuse with their attackers.

As a taxpayer, I have always presumed the police are already funded to deal with cases of people - gay, black or otherwise - who are victimised. If there is one million pounds available, it should be targeted towards the area of greatest need and perhaps two or three safe houses could be set up for women and children who are fleeing abuse.

My greatest fear is this money will be expended almost entirely on the salaries of officers and professionals who think they know more about the problems than those who suffer from them.

-C. Robertson, Poplar Close, Hove