At Gloucester Mews, we are getting desperate about the non-collection of our rubbish. Tomorrow we enter our eleventh week under the Sita regime and there is another growing pile of stinking rubbish threatening to again wriggle with maggots and run with rats.

In two-and-half months, we have had only two regular collections. Emergency pick-ups in this time have resulted only after persistent telephone and letter writing campaigns to the Brighton and Hove Council's refuse collection manager, Tony Bish, Sita and councillor Lynette Gwyn-Jones.

Coun. Gwyn-Jones' series of letters to a fellow resident, making apologies and commitments that the situation will be rectified, make her look powerless and ineffective.

Mr Bish has been a model of patience and polite apologies, but collectively the council appears incapable of organising the regular collection of our rubbish.

What makes the situation even more desperate is I live with my eight-month pregnant partner and during her pregnancy we have endured horrific smells, swarming flies and maggot infestations. As the bins overflow yet again, I wonder if our choice of a home birth may be compromised.

Has Coun. Gwyn-Jones broken her contract with ratepayers through non-delivery of services? How do we hold her accountable? Are we entitled to compensation? How do we get it? Who has the power and authority to organise our regular refuse collection? Coun. Gwyn-Jones clearly doesn't.

-Richard Boele, Gloucester Mews, Brighton