Simon Fanshawe ponders on the environmental friendliness of Brighton and Hove Council. This will be tested in forthcoming weeks when interested parties meet to discuss car restrictions in Preston Park.

Unless the council takes control of the right-to-drive mentality which has existed for so long in the park, its green posturing is nothing but a hollow boast.

Last October, after years of complacency towards speeding and incredible levels of illegal parking and harassment of pedestrians by drivers in the park, the council responded to mounting public pressure and installed some simple car control measures.

The management of these has been absurdly poor. There appears to be no clear policy or real will to address the situation.

I hope measures to improve impaired mobility access into the centre of the park are progressive and not at the expense of pedestrians, many of whom are also disabled or elderly.

Above all, the council must once and for all prioritise pedestrian safety so no parent will ever have to leave the park, frightened and shaking as I was the other day when a speeding maniac nearly hit my son and myself.

-Helen Dilnot, Yardley Street, Brighton