An unnamed correspondent suggests one way to deter violence towards gay people is to repeal Section 28 of the Local Government Act (Opinion, September 14).

There is no proven link between violent attacks and Section 28 and opinion polls show a large majority of parents support Section 28 while repudiating intimidation and aggressive behaviour. This is an entirely consistent moral position.

The suppression of unreasoned and violent attacks on innocent individuals is more likely to arise from a vigorous campaign to instil Christian views and behaviour than from the politically correct promotion of homosexuality, which is what the repeal of Section 28 will lead to.

The Christian ethos has at its crux the love of God and our fellow man. One cannot love God and despise one's neighbour. We should love our neighbour as ourselves. If these values were taught more earnestly in schools we would have a healthier society with much less aggression.

Many who clamour for the repeal of Section 28 wish to forward the view homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality in the married state (I do not condone a promiscuous heterosexual lifestyle).

Such a view is counter-productive in the drive to eliminate bullying, because most will instantly recognise this premise to be false. Section 28 is highly-valued by parents because its aim is to keep such propaganda out of our schools.

-Dr T. Baxter, Semley Road, Brighton