I am all for taking action against high fuel costs. As a motor mechanic, I am particularly dependent on cars.

But the interesting point to have come out of the crisis is just how dependent we car users are on them. We've all seen the queues of panicking motorists, filling their cars to overflowing, dreading the thought of having to get around on public transport or under their own steam.

We're been driving for so long we've come to take cars for granted. We shouldn't. They're a luxury. We don't use public transport because it doesn't wait an extra five minutes while you finish that cup of tea or park right outside the house or workplace. We don't walk or cycle because it's too much like hard work.

We should use this opportunity to buck the trend. Leave the car at home and try taking public transport, or cycling, if possible. You might find you actually enjoy it.

-Nicholas Butler, Bexhill Road, Woodingdean