Motorists ignoring a car ban in George Street, Hove, have been warned they will be targeted by traffic wardens.

Councillors put a block on traffic entering the street between 10am and 4pm as part of a series of environmental improvements in the area.

Buy many drivers are ignoring the restrictions, forcing pedestrians to dodge cars and vans.

Now Sussex Police has agreed to make the street a top priority for its team of traffic wardens in a bid to catch the offenders.

Coun Simon Battle, who represents Vallance Ward, said: "It is becoming frustrating and starting to undermine a scheme designed to give pedestrians priority.

"Many older people come to George Street to enjoy the new atmosphere only to find themselves dodging cars and vans that have no right to be there in the first place.

"I have taken this up with Sussex Police and they have assured me that local traffic wardens will be keeping a special eye on motorists who abuse the law there.

"When the council takes control of parking enforcement next year, enforcing the pedestrianisation scheme will be made a top priority."

Traders have already voiced anger over the scheme, predicting that some businesses will shut down.

But the pedestrianisation was given the go-ahead after a public inquiry and Brighton and Hove Council drew up plans for other environmental improvements.

Work on a £320,000 facelift, which includes a level road surface and paving, cycle stands, trees and seating, is due to start in the autumn.