Pig farmers may try to have us believe they meet high welfare standards but this is far from the truth.

I'm a supporter of Viva!, the vegetarian and animal charity and over the past year we have filmed inside British pig farms. Everywhere we pointed the camera we saw diseased, dead and dying animals.

Ninety percent of Britain's pig producers claim to follow a code of practice on animal welfare, yet pigs are kept in overcrowded, often filthy conditions with nothing to alleviate their frustration and boredom.

If Britain has the highest standards of welfare in the world I would hate to see the worst. Whingeing pig farmers do not deserve to receive any special treatment from the Government.

The single biggest cause of animal abuse is modern farming. It is up to the public to force changes in British agriculture and to stop the cruelty.

For a pack on stopping cruelty and going vegetarian contact: Viva! 12 Queen Square, Brighton BN1 3FD. Tel: 01273 777688.

-Betty Forrest, Little Crescent, Rottingdean