It is deplorable that the vitally important proposed re-development of the King Alfred site should be decided on party political lines.

I understand the voting by councillors was extremely close about what is clearly a very contentious issue. This could result in wrong decisions being taken due to political pressures, regardless of the merits or otherwise of the scheme.

The planning application was only received in mid-April, within seven to eight weeks of the key planning meeting.

This provided very little opportunity for further meaningful public involvement, especially as it coincided with the summer holiday period. The possibility of a public inquiry was rejected.

Most people accept the site needs re-development but not at the expense of important community leisure facilities.

Brighton and Hove Council could have taken more notice of the real needs of the community instead of giving up so easily.

Many of us care passionately about the community and have spent much time and effort conveying detailed, constructive comments to the council. It appears much of it was to no avail.

Not only is the proposed scheme colossal, it threatens to introduce visual and noise disturbance and greatly increase the amount of traffic in the area.

Unless some miracle happens, this scheme, the largest and most important in Hove this new century, will go down as a missed opportunity, if not a major nvironmental


-Desmond Henly, Hove