I am grateful to Brian Eames for his comments on my observations about Punch and Judy performers (Opinion, June 20).

While I accept that there are more than a dozen left in Britain, I must point out that, as so many of them only do it as a hobby, they cannot be counted as true professionals, unlike Brian, I suspect.

Many Punch and Judy professors restrict their performances to private parties for fancy fees, rather then risk performing free shows at the seaside for donations, as I have done continuously in Brighton every summer for over a quarter of a century.

As I am sure Brian will agree, this is far more in keeping with the tradition of Punch, who started life as a busking clown in 16th Century Italy.

As for his claim there are over nine Punch and Judy men around Brighton, I have never ever seen any of them down on the beach, where the show truly belongs.

So come on, Brian! Join me on the beach one day with your puppet show. We could do a stereo performance. What fun!

-Mike Stone, Brighton