Residents concerned about cars speeding past their houses say their pleas for traffic-calming measures are being ignored.

People living in Ditchling Road, Hollingbury Park Avenue and Hollingbury Rise West in Brighton say their children are in danger from vehicles using their roads as racetracks and rat runs.

Joanne Drage, of Ditchling Road, has written to Brighton and Hove Council three times demanding action, but has not received a reply.

In her letters she highlighted incidents of residents' cars being vandalised, stolen or smashed into.

Other problems included congestion caused by queues of cars waiting to turn into Ditchling Road from Hollingbury Park Avenue at peak hours.

Residents believe it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident.

Mrs Drage said: "This is a residential area, housing many elderly people and small children whose lives are constantly in danger.

"It is increasingly apparent steps should urgently be taken to control this escalating problem and dangerous situation."

A spokesman said the council had to look into the roads' accident records before action could be considered, but it would listen to the residents' fears.