THREE children were last night being questioned by police as 45 firefighters tackled a blaze in a partly-derelict building.

Eight fire crews were called to the blaze at the warehouse in De Champ Road, Hastings.

Hastings firefighters were on the scene at 3.30pm and they were later joined by crews from across East Sussex.

There was nobody inside the building at the time of the fire.

Residents were told to stay indoors and keep windows closed as smoke billowed around.

Divisional Officer Bruce Hoad said: "Our main aim was to control the fire and ensure it did not spread and we have done that.

"We used jets from both sides to reduce the flames.

"Part of the building is used to store building materials, but a large part is derelict. So we did not go inside because it was too dangerous."

A police spokesman last night confirmed three boys, of school age, were being questioned by officers at Hastings police station in connection with the incident.

The road was cordoned off by police last night.

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