A MAN was today starting a four-year jail sentence for stabbing a former school-mate in the back outside a wine bar.

Stephen Jones, 23, of Duke Street, Hastings, plunged a blade into the back of Tony Cato after a punch-up on

January 29 this year.

The two men, who went to school together but had a feud, met in French's wine bar in The Strand, Rye, at 10.30pm.

Mr Cato saw that Jones was carrying an orange-handled Stanley knife and, after a minor scuffle, left the bar.

But Lewes Crown Court heard that as Mr Cato fled to another pub, the nearby Kettle of Fish, he slipped and fell.

Jones then caught up with his

victim and lifted up his T-shirt before slashing the man across the small of the back.

Despite his horrific injuries Mr Cato managed to get back to the wine bar and call for an ambulance.

Jones had denied the charge but was convicted earlier this year of wounding with intent following a four-day trial.

Pierce Power, defending, said that the wound was not life-threatening and had caused "minimal cosmetic damage."

He added that Jones, who was

fostered from the age of 15, had beaten drink and drug habits and was now settled with a partner and two young children.

He added: "There was a history of animosity between him and Mr Cato, and Mr Cato had taken part in an assault on the defendant.

The court was told that Jones had five previous convictions for carrying knives.

Sentencing Jones to four years in jail, Judge Richard Hayward said: "This was a vicious attack and demonstrates the dangers of carrying knives. Had you not been carrying a knife this would never have happened."

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