Sussex Police has one of the worst records in the country for time taken to deal with complaints against officers.

The force took an average of 114 days to complete complaint cases in 1998-99, according to Home Office figures.

This placed Sussex Police eighth from the bottom in a league table of the 43 forces

in England and Wales for the time taken to deal with complaints.

Gloucestershire had the best record of 56 days, while Gwent was the slowest at 148 days.

But the recording of complaints varies from force to force. Sussex records them as soon as a complaint comes in while others record them later after statements have been taken.

Even so, Sussex acknowledges it is slow.

Supt Wayne Jones, head of the force's discipline and complaints department, said: "Our ethical and recording procedures

will stand up to very close scrutiny.

"However, it is clear that the time we take in investigating complaints is too long and we are actively looking at ways to reduce that."

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